Saint Roch dog | 18th century

Era: 18th century

Dimension: 33 x 28 cm

Price : 1.900 €

Amazing wooden sculpture painted with a pretty burgundy patina representing the dog of Saint Roch. A little naive, this dog has a lot of charm and is rare on the art market, he holds in his jaw the piece of bread he flew to his master to feed the saint who would die in the drink . According to legend, the master of the dog, intrigued, followed him in the wood and discovered Saint Roch to whom he brought assistance. The charm of the work as well as his legend made it a very inspiring object.

The story of Saint Roch and his dog: discover the legend of the dog "Roquet" and his patron saint

The legend of Saint Roch and his faithful canine companion has been transmitted to us for centuries. This extraordinary story mixes devotion, compassion and miracle. Let us relive together the captivating history of this patron saint of plagueres and his dog, whose unwavering link has marked the collective imagination to the present day.

The life and legend of Saint Roch

Born in Montpellier in the 14th century, Saint Roch de Montpellier is an emblematic figure of Christianity. Coming from a wealthy family, he chooses to give up his privileges to embrace a pilgrim's life. His journey leads him to Rome, where he devoted himself to the care of patients with black plague , a scourge which then ravaged Europe.

It was during his return to France that Roch's fate took a decisive turn. In turn struck by the terrible disease, he isolates himself in a forest near pleasure in Italy. Weakened and covered with bubbles, the saint is then in a desperate situation. It is at this critical moment that the event will arise that will make its fame.

The miracle of the faithful dog

While Roch de Montpellier fights against the disease, a dog appears. Each day, the animal miraculously brings him a bread stolen from the table of his master. This gesture of compassion quickly becomes the symbol of unexpected divine aid. The dog of Saint Roch , sometimes nicknamed " Roquet ", is not content to feed the saint.

Because legend says that the faithful companion also licks the purulent wounds of Roch, thus contributing to his healing. This gesture, imbued with dedication, illustrates the power of faith and compassion. The master of the dog, intrigued by the behavior of his animal, ends up following the latter, discovering accordingly the injured saint whom he hastened to rescue.

A friendship that has become proverb

This touching story is at the origin of the proverb " It is Saint Roch and his dog ", used to describe two inseparable people. As an antiquary passionate about my job, I am always fascinated by the way in which these ancient stories continue to influence our modern language.

The symbolism of the dog in the story of Saint Roch

Saint Roch's dog therefore embodies much more than a simple animal companion. It represents absolute fidelity and divine assistance in the darkest moments. This powerful symbolism deeply marked the Christian imagination, making the dog an emblem of dedication and sacrifice.

In the hagiography of Saint Roch, the dog symbolizes the unexpected help of God in the face of adversity. He reminds believers that even in the most desperate situations, divine help can take surprising forms. This interpretation strengthens the message of hope and resilience associated with the worship of Saint Roch.

The iconography of Saint Roch and his dog

The representations of Saint Roch in religious art are remarkably constant over the centuries. The saint is generally portrayed as a pilgrim , dressed in a cape and wearing a stick. By his side, we invariably find his faithful canine companion.

In many works, the dog is represented holding a bread in his mouth, recalling his primordial role in the survival of the saint. Certain representations can also show the animal licking the plague on the thigh of Roch. These images although sometimes disturbing for our modern sensitivity, underline the depth of the link between the saint and his dog.

An element inseparable from worship

Over time, Saint Roch's dog has become an inseparable element of the iconography and the cult of the saint. This association is so strong that in many Saint-Roch churches , there are representations of the dog, sometimes even in the form of independent statues.

The heritage of Saint Roch and his dog in popular culture

The influence of the legend of Saint Roch and his dog extends far beyond the religious sphere. Due to this touching story, Saint Roch has become the protector of animals, especially dogs. This association has helped to strengthen the perception of dogs as faithful and helpful companions in many cultures.

Many celebrations and traditions are linked to Saint Roch and his dog around the world. For example, on August 16, the day of the feast of Saint Roch, it is not uncommon to see processions where the faithful are accompanied by their pets. These events testify to the persistence of this legend in the collective imagination.

As passionate about antiquities, I am always amazed by the many ancient objects linked to the cult of Saint Roch that I discover. Statuettes, medals, paintings ... Each of these treasures tells in its own way the timeless story of loyalty and compassion embodied by Saint Roch and his dog.

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